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来自:查字典高考网 2014-12-25

Some people like going after fashion. Other dont. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.

T Topic wont go after fashion

S Supporting cost money

idea clothes latest fashion

energy consuming

newspaper, radio magazines

TTransition First, because, Also, finally

I wouldnt go after fashion. First ,because it costs so much money. You have to keep buying the clothes of the latest fashion and style. Thats a whole lot of money to be spent. Also, Its energy-consuming. Since you have to be kept checking the newspaper and tune in to the radio or TV for the latest fashion which changes frequently. So it is hard to follow. Then I dont follow.

考中策略 (strategies during the test)

◇ Be familiar with the direction and dismiss them by clicking on continue

◇ use preparation time wisely. Read question carefully, note everything it

asks you. Write down a simply plan.

◇ speak clearly and slowly. normal speed. 80-90 words/minute VOA Special


◇ Organize your reply.

◇ Topic sentence supporting idea Transitions

◇ Monitor the time carefully

◇表达中的 coherence 问题

◇连读 (Linking words together)

Whats your favorite holiday? Use reasons and details to support your response.

Spring Festival: dont have to work, food, gift money, visiting friends

National Day: holiday, travel

Thanksgiving: give thanks to, turkey

Christmas: gift exchanged, new beginning, greeting friends

T Topic spring festival

S Supporting family gathering

idea mom dad

delicious food

ants climbing trees


7 days off

TTransition First, because, Also, finally

My favorite holiday is one of the traditional festivals in China : Spring Festival. First, because it is really an occasion of family gathering. Only at Spring Festival do I have a chance to be back to home in Nanjing. Then I can meet my mom, dad, sister and so on. Second, I can have some delicious food made by my mom who is a good cook. My favorite dish is ants climbing tree made by my mom. Finally, at Spring Festival, I can take a few days off. Because I am a real workaholic . I work about 7 days a week. I really wanna take a vacation somehow. So those are some of the reasons that I make Spring Festival my favorite holiday.

If you suddenly got $10 million , what would you spend it on? Use details to support your response.

T Topic several things

S Supporting huge house

idea 2 million mom and dad Nanjing

stocks bonds

3 million Never put..



TTransition First, because, Also, finally

If I have $10 million, I will spend it on several things. First, Id like to spend $2 million buying a huge house or even villa to house my mom, dad, and some sisters. Because, I am livin in Beijing while they are in Nanjing. I miss them and they miss me. So I want to live with them. Second, I will invest $3 million in stocks, bonds etc to make me have more money. Just as the saying goes Never put all your eggs in one basket. So I will try to diversify my investment vehicles. Finally, I will spend the rest on vacationing. I am crazy about traveling all around the world. I will go to Nepal in the first place. Thats my favorite country in the whole world. It is a fantastic place to visit.

1. Why are preparing to take TOEFL test. Use reasons and examples to support your response.

T Topic several reasons

S Supporting need

idea international student Harvard Stanford

prove English level

GRE GMAT LSAT next ones

TTransition First, because, Also, finally

I take the TOEFL test for several reasons. First, because I want to go abroad to study . You know , I am an international student. So I have to take the TOEFL test to enable me to study in America. My favorite school is Harvard or Stanford. Second, I want to prove my English level. I am an English major . I have been studying English for ten years. I want to prove my English proficiency by taking tests of various kinds. I have taken the tests like GRE, GMAT and LSAT. TOEFL is the next one I want to crack.

1. Some people like to eat most of their meals with other people. Others prefer eating most of their meals alone. Which do you prefer and include details and examples in your explanations.


T-Topic: others

S-Supporting talk with them

ideas food, enjoy better, Great time to talk

Cook myself, Share the food

T-Transition: first, because, also

I prefer having meals with my friends. First, because I like to talk with somebody while having meals. Like, I really like to talk with my friends about music. And I also think it is the golden opportunity for us to talk while we are eating, by doing this I can enjoy the food better. Also, I have a chance to share my point of view on the food we are eating. Finally, if I cook myself, its so boring to eat what I have cooked. I need to share the food I have made with my friends. This is why I am cooking.

T Topic alone

S Supporting alone

idea not talkative concentrate

bad for health

indigestion, (personal incident or your friends ones)

TTransition First, because, Also, finally

I prefer having meals alone. First, because I am really a person who likes to be left alone, especially when I am eating. I am not talkative, especially when I am having meals which means I have to concentrate on the food instead of things we are talking about. Another reason why I prefer having meals alone is that talking while eating is bad for our stomach. It will lead to indigestion if you often talk when you eat. Finally, if I eat alone I am not going to have any problems like other peoples terrible table manners. Let me give you one example, and I cant stand this really. Somebody makes a lot of noise when they are eating or somebody even takes off their shoes when having meals. This really drives me crazy!






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