来自:查字典高考网 2014-12-25
But the problem is that the cost for telephone calls is so high that many cannot afford it.
But sometimes it is not totally the case. People are becoming too dependent even when they do have time to write a letter, they prefer the telephone. With the little magical implement at hand, it is not difficult for a man to find excuse for not writing letters and feel at ease. Telephone is making people lazy. When a person writes, he must organize his mind to express his ideas and feelings more logically. People can not only greet each other but also exchange their thoughts by letters. At this point telephone lengthens the distance between people Progress turns to have more than one face.
The telephone has made the life in a modern city possible.
The telephone has almost killed the ancient art of letter writing, which used to be the only method of long distance communication.
Nowadays people begin to rely more and more heavily on the telephone to convey ideas and feelings to each other, because they feel it is more immediate and vivid when they hear the voice at the other end.
The past 20 years saw rapid development of telephone service in China.
Home phones which used to be thought of as luxury has become a common thing in more and more average homes.
The fast increase in home phones not only indicates that Chinese people are well-off, but also shows we are eager to participate in social communication and to acquire more and quicker information in different fields.
Telephones have been so popular that you wont be surprised to see so many people are making phone calls by their mobile phones while walking on streets or riding buses.
★ 雅思写作百变句型
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