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来自:查字典高考网 2014-12-25

Qualities of people that are needed in todays world cannot be learned in universities or their academic institutions。 To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

In spite of (反背景) the rapid growth in the number of students stepping into society with higher education qualifications, some people showed great concern as to whether these students have mastered( 动词搭配 ) qualities that are essential (原文中 needed 的翻版) in todays world。 It is true (让步转折) that important qualities as working experience and practical skills are not directly (反面弱化) taught in universities。 However (后转折) , based on such fact alone, the concern seems too assertive when we take a close look at what the students have actually learned。

First , the concern lies in (原因) the phenomenon that most students are without necessary working experience and at a loss when first facing their jobs。 The fact is that most students will end up with a very limited number of jobs after they graduate, and therefore (顺接) , is it necessary, or rather, possible (递进) for universities to prepare every student respectively (反面强化) for their future jobs? Admittedly (让步转折) , most universities dont provide such opportunities as job training, but they do (强调) teach students how to master a new skill as quickly as possible。 Universities actually emphasize more on how to learn rather than what to learn, thereby (顺接) helping students to become quick learners。 People with professional training, indeed (让步转折) , do (强调转折) start with better output。 Still (后转折) , it is university graduates who (强调句) are proved to adapt better to new techniques and innovative concepts in most fields。 Since the development of todays science and technology is at such an unpredictable speed, important as (倒装前转折) working experience itself may (反面弱化) seem to be, it is, after all, universities that (强调句) enable students to get working experience as quickly as possible and to keep their working experience always up-to-date。

Another quality universities provide their student with is the skill of problem shooting through communication。 As a majority of students live on campus together, it is hardly possible (正面相对化) for them to avoid communication。 Although (前转折) communication is probably not listed as a course for every student, universities provided such a chance for students to meet problems, face problems, and solve problems (连动) through communication by themselves, which can be seen as a best simulation of their future life in the society。 And they can thus (顺接) proudly announce themselves fully prepared to face a world of problems through communication after their graduation。

Since the definition of necessary qualities for todays world varies greatly from people to people due to their different backgrounds, it is hardly possible (正面相对化) for university education to reach every corner of it。 However, since work and life occupy most part of our time after university, qualifications for work and problem shooting in daily life are generally considered two dominant qualities required to survive in todays world。 And our universities (联系主题) have obviously made enormous and undeniable contributions to these qualifications。

In conclusion, the concern that necessary qualities needed in todays world cannot be taught in universities or academic institutes have apparently underestimated students abilities and exaggerated trivial qualities that are not covered in university education, because our universities and academic institutes, although inevitably missing some fractional qualities out, do enhance students adaptability to both their jobs and their social life。 (包含了主题、大众观点、作者态度、原因、让步)






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