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当前位置:查字典高考网>本科留学>托福听力>1998 年10 月听力文字

1998 年10 月听力文字

来自:查字典高考网 2014-12-25

98 年10 月听力文字

Part A

1. A: A bunch of us are getting together to go to the basketball game on Saturday

afternoon. You want to come?

B: Oh, Id love to, but I have to work.

What will the woman probably do on Saturday?

2. A: What do you think of the suit? With this new job, Ive got to start dressing more


B: Well, the style is fine. You might want to reconsider the choice of color.

What does the woman imply?

3. A: We need a quiet place to study. My roommates got company. Could we walk

over your place?

B: Yeah, no problem, but I have to warn you: I havent done much cleaning this week.

What does the man imply?

4. A: Pam asked me to tell you to call her. She said you have her biology notes.

B: Whoops I was supposed to give those to her yesterday.

What can be inferred about the man?

5. A: I have to give an oral presentation in history next week. Im really nervous about

speaking in front of everyone.

B: Try making a tape yourself while you practise. That might help you feel more


What does the woman suggest the man do?

6. A: Tom, could I bother you for a moment? I need someone to return this book to the

library for me.

B: Thats no bother at all. Im on my way there now.

What will the man probably do next?

7. A: Everything on this menu sounds delicious. What likes good to you?

B: Mm, maybe just a salad, I had a late lunch.

What does the man imply?

8. A: I hear you are thinking about moving back into the dorm next semester.

B: Who told you that? Id never give up my apartment.

What does the woman mean?

9. A: You dont care if we dont watch the soccer game, do you?

B: You must be joking! My sister is one of the star players.

What does the woman mean?

10. A: Hello, this is Margaret Methues. Im calling to make an appointment with Dr.

Anderson for tomorrow morning.

B: Well, I can give you the number of Dr. Andersons new office, but Im afraid hes not

at this office any more.

What does the man imply?

11. A: Dont you just love the hot mid-day sun?

B: I sure do. Unfortunately, it doesnt like my skin.

What does the woman mean?

12. A: Professor Sullivan assigned us three more novels to read.

B: She must think you dont have any other classes.

What can be inferred about Professor Sullivan?

13. A: Im amazed that you are still driving that old car of yours. I thought you would

have gotten rid of it years ago.

B: It runs well and I actually grown quite attach to it.

What does the man mean?

14. A: Bill has tried so hard to win a race since he first joined the track team, but its two

years later and he still hasnt.

B: I know, and it takes so much time from his class work. Maybe he should just

forget about sports from now.

What does the man mean?

15. A: Lets see. Another thing we need to do is show the new students around town,

you know, show them all the highlights of the area.

B: I dont see why we need to do that ourselves. I understand the Visitors Center

offers a wonderful bus tour.

What does the man suggest they do?

16. A: What do you think of the assignment we just got in Dr. Bennets class.

B: A 25-page pager in two weeks? There goes my social life.

What does the woman imply?

17. A: I just found up I cant renew my lease for the next school year.

B: Well, dont worry. There should be plenty of apartments freeing up after


What does the woman imply?

18. A: You looked different today, but I cant quite put my finger on what it is!

B: I finally got around to trying that new hair saloon in the mall.

What can be inferred about the man?

19. A: Its really cold outside. You should ware a scarf to keep your neck warm.

B: Thats a good idea, if only I had one with me.

What does the woman mean?

20. A: Im sure glad its almost quitting time.

B: Me too. Ive been watching the clock all afternoon.

What can be inferred about the man?

21. A: Youve been studying so hard I almost forgot to tell you about the all-day volleyball

tournament going on.

B: Thats just the kind of news Ive been waiting to hear. The books can wait.

What will the man probably do?

22. A: Eh, about that money I loaned you, isnt today the day you said youd have it?

B: Oh, eh, my finances have been really tight this month, but all I need is few more


What does the man mean?

23. A: Somebody better tell Julie that the student government meeting has been


B: Bill said hell call her about the election results. Im sure hell let her know then.

What does the woman imply?

24. A: You are welcome to borrow whatever youd like from my jazz collection.

B: Thanks, but I dont know where Im going to play them on.

What can be inferred about the woman?

25. A: Last Monday when I was at Doctor Smiths office, I spent over an hour in the

waiting room.

B: Really? Something must have come up that day!

What does the woman imply?

26. A: Oh, no. Look at this red paint on my new jacket. Why did the school paint that

rail any way?

B: Oh, thats too bad! Youd think they might at least put up a sign.

What does the woman imply?

27. A: Have you noticed how Johns changed since he BECame student governing


B: I think the whole thing has gone to his head, and he used to be so sociable and


What does the woman mean

28. A: Our litter brothers are so different that I was afraid they wouldnt like each other at


B: They really hit it off right away, didnt they?

What can be inferred about the speakers brothers?

29. A: Is Sally still around? I was going to ask her if she wanted to walk to class with me.

B: I just saw her in the lobby. You may still be able to catch her.

What does the woman imply?

30. A: I am really glad our club decided to raise money for the childrens hospital and most

the people wed phoned seemed happy to contribute.

B: Yeah, I aGREe! That weve gone through all the numbers on our list now, so I

guess we can call it a day.

What can be inferred about the women

Part B

Hi, Mark! How is it going?

Well, not so great.

Whats wrong?

Ive got a big problem with the poetry course thats required for my major.

Is that all filled up?

No, no, there is plenty room, but there is a prerequisite. Ive got to take an introduction

to poetry before I can take the special course in poets of the 1960s and the introductory

courses only offered in the evenings.

You dont like evening classes?

No, thats not the point. I work in the cafeteria every evening. I need the money to pay

my tuition.

Can you ask someone that work to switch hours with you? Maybe you could just switch

a couple of evenings, since the course probably only meets two times a week.

I wish I could. My boss just did me a favor by putting me on evenings, and hell hit the

ceiling if I ask to change again.

Wait a minute! I have an idea. Have you checked the courses over at the community

college? They might offer introductory poetry course during the day.

Hey! Thats a great idea. Im free this afternoon. I think Ill go over and check it out.

Yeah, their courses are actually cheaper and you can transfer the credits over here.

Thanks for the advice, Linda. Ill let you know what happens.

Sure, Mark! Good luck!

Oh, while you are there, can you find out when their pool is open?

No problem!

31. What prevents the man from taking the poets of the 1960s class?

32. What problem does the man have with the introduction to poetry class?

33. Why doesnt the man want to change his work schedule?

34. Why does the man want to take a class at the community college?

Listen to part of a radio interview between a reporter and a climatologist.

Doctor White, we recently learned that a large piece of the Larsen ice shelf in Western

Antarctica broke off in early January. Could you please tell us exactly what happened?

Id be happy to. The piece that broke off was over a thousand square miles in area.

More recently and quite alarming to scientists is that the forty-mile crack, some thirty feet

wide in places has torn through the ice shelf.

I understand that the Scientific Community is quite concerned. What is the

significance of these events?

Well, some scientists believe that this is a clear sign of global warming. Back in 1978,

some American researchers predicted that Antarctica would show early signs of global

warming due to the green house effectyou know, the process of heat been trapped at

the surface of the earth by the atmosphere.

But couldnt crumbling ice shelves also be a result of the unusual weather Antarctica

itself has experienced lately?

Thats certainly possible. But you have to remember that over the past thousands of

years, ice shelves have been through a lot of weather changes without breaking up.

Remember too that although ice shelves float on the ocean, they are attached to the

continent and can be as thick as a thousand feet.

I think most people know that if the ice cap over Antarctica melts, the level of the

oceans will rise. Whats sort of impact will this have?

Well, the ice shelves currently insulate the Antarctic continent from wind, which slows

down melting. But without ice shelves to cool the wind, it would be warmer than usual as

it flows over Antarctica. If the winds cause even a tenth of the continents ice to melt, the

worlds oceans could rise as much as thirty feet.

35. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

36. Why are the events important?

37. Why doesnt the woman believe that weather is responsible for the recent events?

38. What would be the likely result of melting of the ice cap

Part C

Questions 39- 41 Listen to part of a talk in a biology class.

Before moving onto a new topic, I want to finish up our unit on a rag nit, by looking at

what may seem a very unusual aspect of spider behaviora species where the young

spiders actually consume the body of their mother. Unlike most other spiders, this

species lays one and only one-clutch of forty eggs in a lifetime.

The young spiders hatch in mid-spring or early summer inside a nest of eucalyptus

leaves. Their mother spends the warm summer months bringing home large insects,

often ten times of weight for meals. The catch is always significantly more than her

young spiders can eat. So the mother fattens herself up by this extra prey and stores the

nutrients in her extra unfertilized eggs. As the weather turns cooler, there are fewer

insect preys to hunt. That is when the nutrients store in those extra eggs begin to seep

into the mothers blood stream. So, when there are no more insects to feed to the young

spiders, they attach themselves to the mothers leg joints and draw nourishment by

sucking the nutrient-rich blood. After several weeks, the mother is depleted of all

nutrients and she dies.

But then, how do the young get nourishment? They start to feed on one another.

Now, if you recall our discussion of Darwin, youll see the evolutionary value of this.

Only the strongest spiders of the clutch will survive this cannibalism. And the mother

spider will have ensured that her genes have an increased chance of survival through

future generations.

39. What is the talk mainly about?

40. What happens after the mother of the young spiders dies?

41. What idea of Darwin does the professor relate to the spiders behavior?

Questions 42-46 Listen to a talk in a Mass Communications class.

Moving away from newspapers, lets now focus on magazines. Now the first

magazine was a little periodical called the Review and it was started in London in 1704.

It looked a lot like the newspapers of the time, but in terms of its contents it was much

different. Newspapers were concerned mainly with news events but the Review focused

on important domestic issues of the day, as well as the policies of the government.

Now, in England at the time, people could still be thrown in jail for publishing articles

that were critical of the king. And that is what happened to Daniel Defoe. He was the

outspoken founder of the review. Defoe actually wrote the first issue of the Review from

prison. You see, he had been arrested BECause of his writings that criticized the policies

of the Church of England, which was headed by the king. After his release, Defoe

continued to produce the Review and the magazine started to appear on a more frequent

schedule, about three times a week.

It didnt take long for other magazines to start popping up. In 1709, a magazine

called the Tattler began publication. This new magazine contained a mixture of news,

poetry, political analysis and philosophical essays.

42. What is the main topic of the talk?

43. What is significant about the review?

44. According to the speaker, how was the Review different from early newspapers?

46. What does the speaker say about the Tattler?

Questions 47-50 Listen to a talk given by an art history professor.

There is an art exhibition here on campus which ties well of discussions weve had

about folk art. Its an exhibition of wildlife art calendars from about a hundred years

ago. Like most other folk art, the calendar pictures were not considered to be art in their

own days. People just thought of them as a way of decorating a practical object. In fact,

the calendar pictures were originally painted as advertising for various companies that

made hunting or fishing produces, like guns or fishing rods. The calendars were handed

out free to customers to thank them for their business. Most people just hung the

calendars on their walls where the pictures faded in the sun and then tore the pictures off

the calendar as each month passed. As a result, collectors today place of a lot of value

on calendars that are complete and in good condition. Even through the people who

used the calendars didnt regard them as art, the original paintings the prints were made

from were often of good quality. In fact, many famous wildlife painters created calendar

art at some point in their lives. To them, it was way of getting a work reproduced and

showed around. One aspect of the exhibit that I find very interesting is the way these

pictures reflect changing attitudes toward wildlife. The pictures in the exhibit often

portray the thrill and adventure of hunting rather than any particular concern for wildlife

preservation. But most of todays wildlife art shows animals in their natural

surroundings without any humans in the scene. This modern wildlife art appeals to large

numbers of nature lovers, even those who oppose the practice of hunting.

47. What is the talk mainly about?

48. According to the speaker, why is it difficult to find calendar pictures that are in good


49. What was the theme of many early wildlife calendars?

50. According to the speaker, why did artists want to produce work for calendars

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