来自:查字典高考网 2014-12-25
Look deep into the April face
A change has clearly taken place
Looking for the summer
The eyes take on a certain gaze
Go looking for the summer
This aint no game of kiss and tell
The implications how you know so well
Go looking for the summer
The time has come and they must go
To play the passion out that haunts you so
Looking for the summer
We scratched and hurt each others growing pains
We were looking for the summer
And still I stand this very day
Im still looking, looking for the summer
★ (烤鸭听歌学口语)第五十三期--withyouallthetime
★ (烤鸭听歌学口语)第三十八期--throughtherain
★ (烤鸭听歌学口语)第二十七期--topoftheworld
★ 烤鸭听歌学口语第十七期-IFinallyFoundSomeone
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