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来自:查字典高考网 2014-12-25

I live beneath the heart


Im every breath Im every dream

Ive known you forever

Ive followed you everywhere

Im every scar Im who you are

when you think youre alone

when you cry cos someones unfair

you can rest assured Im always there

even when you feel like you dont belong

even when you fall and it all goes wrong

you know that Im with you

Im with you all the time

saying a little prayer for the restless heart

we shall never ever drift apart

know that Im with you

know that Im with you

with you all the time

Im walking round the road


and when you cry I cry too

I made you a promise


youre on your own but not alone

when youre down when youre right(网上搜索的是rife)

and the world tells you no-one cares

you can rest assured Im always there

even when you feel like you dont belong

even when you fall and it all goes wrong

you know that Im with you

Im with you all the time

saying a little prayer for the restless heart

we shall never ever drift apart

know that Im with you

Im with you all the time

Im with you all the time

save a little love for me

youll see

save a little love for me

youll see

save a little love for me

youll see

and youll see

even when you feel like you dont belong

even when you fall and it all goes wrong

you know that Im with you

Im with you all the time

saying a little prayer for the restless heart

we shall never ever drift apart

know that Im with you

Im with you all the time

know that Im with you

Im with you all the time

saying a little prayer for the restless heart

we shall never ever drift apart

know that Im with you

know that Im with you

Im with you all the time











烤鸭听歌学口语第七十四期--I could be the one



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