来自:查字典高考网 2014-12-25
companies should encourage old employees (55 years old) to retire, in order to give opportunities to the new generation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, plenty of employees who are more than 55 years old must retire because of company policy; therefore, many people think that the development of a company cannot be separated from the number of young employees. The above point is certainly true; this essay will outline three reasons.www.examda.com
The main reason is that plenty of young employees mean that the company is infused with lots of young blood. With the development of technology, more and more new technological products have been developed. The new generation masters advanced technology and have the energy to exploit. They have learned lots of knowledge in the university; therefore it is definitely useful for the development of companies.www.examda.com
Another reason is that old employees cannot adapt themselves to the rapid pace. Old employees find it difficult to learn new things rapidly. With their limited physical strength, they are not capable of heavy manual work. So old employees are not a patch on young employees, it means not only intellect but also physical strength.
Last but not the least reason is that old employees have already worked for more than half of their lifetime, so they should retire to enjoy life. The old employees have already paid out too much in order to look after their families and careers. So they should pursue their hobbieswww.examda.com
In conclusion, old employees shouldnt continue working for themselves. Moreover, advancement of society needs a new generation.
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