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雅思口语高频话题:A traditional(happy) event

来自:查字典高考网 2014-12-25

Describe a traditional(happy) event that you attended.

You should say:

what this event is

when it happens

who participates in this event and what they do and explain how you feel about this event.

The traditional event which impresses me most is the Chinese traditional wedding.

The red letter date will be picked by the grooms parents. Both the bride and the grooms house will be decorated in red in advance.

who participates in this event and what they do The grooms family will send out a precession of servants, entertainers and a carriage which is carried by four servants to the brides family to bring the bride back. The bride and the groom will worship the heaven and the earth, the grooms ancestors and they will also serve tea to all their superiors in the family. After the meal, the new couple will return to the bridal room and some naughty friends may tag-along and play tricks on the groom. Then, the couple will finally be left with themselves and the groom can take off the red cloth that covers the brides face. You know in the ancient times, a man may probably marry a woman that he had never met before, that is to say, the first time to see the wifes face was in their bed, which was really exciting.

Thats why I found the traditional wedding so interesting. Now more and more young people choose to have a traditional wedding, which means there is a growing trend towards the traditional culture. Thats quite delightful.

Part3: Do you know of any differences between weddings in China and those in the West? (第三部分的这个题目出的确实有些难,最近被考到频率却很高。我简单说一下西方教堂婚礼仪式和庆祝方式。这里需要弄清楚的一点:Wedding celebration Wedding ceremony Celebration: 庆祝 Ceremony: 仪式)

Wedding ceremony 西方教堂婚礼中会有下面的人物:

Groom(新郎) Best man (伴郎) Groomsmen(男傧相)

Bride (新娘) Maid of honor(伴娘) Bridesmaid(女傧相)

Flower girl(花童) Ring bearer(戒童)


Usher (引宾员)

① Bride wears white gown white veil (stands for purity). The bride should also have:

something new

something old

something borrowed

something blue

新娘穿着雪白长裙(white gown),戴洁白面纱(white veil),以象征纯洁。同时,新娘穿戴的衣物中必须包括有新的、旧的、借来的和蓝色的四种东西(something new,something old,something borrowed and something blue)。

Something Old 母亲传下来的婚纱,头饰或首饰,代表承受美好的一切。

Something New 朋友送的礼物如裙子,饰物,象征新的生活。

Something Borrowed 可向任何人借东西回来,据说从富裕亲友借来金或银放在鞋内,象征带来财运。

Something Blue 新娘的一些小饰物或花束用蓝色,意味着新娘的纯洁及贞洁。

② With the Wedding March, the brides father leads her to the altar. 婚礼开始,伴随着《婚礼进行曲》新娘挽着其父的手臂,缓缓通过走廊向圣坛走去。

③ Music stops Minister will ask: Who gives this woman to be married to this man?

Father: My wife and I do. (Then the bride is given away to the groom.)


④ 接着,新郎在左,新娘在右,面对牧师站好,由牧师为其举行传统的仪式。内容包括结婚誓言(Wedding Vows)。如:

Wedding Vows: I (name), choose you (name) to be my (husband/wife), to respect you in your successes and in your failures, to care for you in sickness and in health, to nurture you, and to grow with you throughout the seasons of life.

⑤ 之后新郎新娘交换戒指,有时还会说一些交换戒指的誓言。如:

A: This ring is a token of my love. I marry you with this ring, with all that I have and all that I am.

B: I will forever wear this ring as a sign of my commitment and the desire of my heart.⑥ Throwing rice at the bride and groom as they leave the wedding.


Wedding celebration:

They cut the wedding cake and feed each other a bite.

按照习惯,婚宴(wedding reception)由女方家里举办。在精美漂亮的结婚大蛋糕被搬上餐桌后,新郎新娘要手把手地握住一把刀,共同将蛋糕切开,互相喂对方一口,然后再款待所有的客人。

The bride throws her bouquet of flowers up in the air, the girl to catches the flower will be the next one to get married.


The groom throws his new wifes garter belt up in the air, the boy to catches the belt will be the next one to get married.


Two Catchers Meet: The catcher of the flowers and the catcher of the garter belt meet together. The boy then puts the garter belt on the girls leg slowly. The higher up the leg, the better.


Tap your glass: Tapping your drinking glass with a knife or fork makes the bride and groom kiss. Do this often if youd like to see the bride gets embarrassed.


Chinese Wedding 中式婚礼

说媒: match-making

定亲: engagement

聘礼: betrothal presents

迎亲: meeting/fetch the bride

拜堂: three bows

交杯酒: drinking wedlock wine.

黄道吉日: red letter day

花轿: floral sedan chair

一拜天地 First, bow to heaven and earth;

二拜高堂 Second, bow to parents;

夫妻对拜 Third, bride and groom exchange bows.

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