来自:查字典高考网 2014-12-25
* 描述解释型
* 二选一型
III 比较对比型
1). 概念判断
判断一道作文题是否属于比较对比型,可以看题目中是否包含下列词汇:compare and contrast,compare,advantages and disadvantages等。例如:
1. (第4题)
It has been said, Not everything that is learned is contained in books. Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?
2. (5题)
A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.
3. (113题)
The government has announced that it plans to build a new university. Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community. Use specific detains in your discussion.
由上述三道题中的compare and contrast,advantages and disadvantages可以判断它们都属于比较对比型的题目。由此可见,比较对比型和之前介绍过的二选一型有个区别,它要求考生必须两个观点或方面(即优缺点)都要提到,它显然是不能用单边论证结构。它可以采用的结构如下。
2). 对应结构分析
Introduction: The new factory does bring a range of benefits, yet the residents are not advised to establish it.
Main body 1:
Topic sentence: Admittedly, the residents and the local government as well gain benefits from the construction of this factory in the community.
Reason 1: For one thing, a new factory requires plenty of new workers, providing employment opportunities for the community.
Reason 2: For another, the new factory is certain to pay tax to the indigenous government, and thus enhance the tax income of the whole community.
Main body 2:
Topic sentence: However, building a large factory could bring along a great many disadvantages.
Reason 1: First and foremost, a large factory will definitely produce pollution to the community.
Reason 2: In the second place, it is possible that traffic jams could happen due to the returning tide during rush hours.
Reason 3: Last but not least, flowing population resulted from the establishment of the factory will undoubtedly increase, which casts threat to the community.
1. 明确话题
2. 给出文章结构布局
1. 分论点一(段落主题句)
2. 例证一(论证过程)
3. 分论点一(段落主题句)
4. 例证一(论证过程)
5. 分论点二(段落主题句)
6. 例证一(论证过程)
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Background + layout
Paragraph 2-4: Body
Disadvantage / reason for opinion one
Topic Sentence + supporting sentences
Advantages one / reason one for opinion two
Topic Sentence + supporting sentences
Advantages two / reason two for opinion two
Topic Sentence + supporting sentences
Paragraph 5: Conclusion:
State my opinion
Introduction: The new factory does bring a range of benefits, yet the residents are not advised to establish it.
Main body 1: Admittedly, the residents and the local government as well gain benefits from the construction of this factory in the community.
Main body 2: However, a large factory will definitely produce pollution to the community.
Main body 3: Moreover, it is possible that traffic jams could happen due to the returning tide during rush hours.
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