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来自:查字典高考网 2014-12-25


Question 1-9 Although social changes in the United States were being wrought throughout most of the nineteenth-century,, public awareness of the changes increased to new levels in the 1890 s. The acute, growing public awareness of the social changes that had been taking place for some time was tied to tremendous growth in popular journalism in the late nineteenth century, including growth in quantity and circulation of both magazines and newspapers. These developments, in addition to the continued growth of cities, were significant factors in the transformation of society from one characterized by relatively isolated self-contained communities into an urban, industrial nation. The decade of the 1870 s, for example, was a period in which the sheer number of newspapers doubled, and by 1880 the New York Graphic had published the first photographic reproduction in a newspaper, portending a dramatic rise in newspaper readership. Between 1882 and 1886 alone, the price of daily newspapers dropped from four cents a copy to one cent, made possible in part by a great increase in demand. Further more, the introduction in 1890 of the first successful linotype machine promised even further growth. In 1872 only two daily newspapers could claim a circulation of over 100,000,but by 1892 seven more newspapers exceeded that figure. A world beyond the immediate community was rapidly becoming visible. But it was not newspapers alone that were bringing the new awareness to people In the United States in the late nineteenth century. Magazines as they are known today began publication around 1882, and, in fact, the circulation of weekly magazines exceeded that of newspapers in the period which followed. By 1892, for example, the circulation of the Ladies Home Journal had reached an astounding 700,000. An increase in book readership also played a significant part in this general trend. For example, Edward Bellamy s utopian novel, Looking Backward, sold over a million copies in 1888, giving rise to the growth of organizations dedicated to the realization of Bellamy s vision of the future. The printed word, unquestionably. was intruding on the insulation that had characterized United Slates society in an earlier period.

1. The word acute in line 3 is closest in meaning to useful




2. According to the passage, the expansion of popular journalism was linked to changes in the distribution system

a larger supply of paper

an increase in people s awareness of social changes

greater numbers of journalists 3 According to the passage , the New York Graphic s inclusion of photographs contributed to the closing of newspapers that did not use photographs

newspapers becoming more expensive

an increase in the number of people reading newspapers

a reduction in the cost of advertising 4.Why was there a drop in the price of daily newspapers between 1882 and 1886 ? There was a rise in demand.

Newspapers had fewer pages.

Newspapers contained photographic reproductions.

Magazines began to compete with newspapers. 5..The word exceeded in line 16 is closest in meaning to controlled



equaled 6.What does the author mean by the statement A world beyond the immediate community was rapidly becoming visible in lilies 16-11 ? Photographs made newspapers more interesting.

The United Slates exported newspapers to other countries.

People were becoming increasingly aware of national and international issues.

Communities remained isolated despite the growth of popular journalism 7.The word that in line 21 refers to century



period 8.The word astounding in line 22 is closest in meaning to surprising



sudden 9.Why does the author mention Edward Bellamy s novel Looking Backward? To illustrate how advanced the technology of printing had become

To emphasize the influence of the printed word on a society undergoing rapid change

To document its prediction about the popularity of newspapers

To demonstrate that hooks had replaced newspapers and magazines as the leading source of information Question 10-19 Glass is a remarkable substance made from the simplest raw materials. It can be colored or colorless, monochrome or polychrome, transparent, translucent, or opaque. It is lightweight impermeable to liquids, readily cleaned and reused , durable yet fragile, and often very beautiful Glass can be decorated in multiple ways and its optical properties are exceptional. In all its myriad forms as table ware, containers, in architecture and design glass represents a major achievement in the history of technological developments. Since the Bronze Age about 3,000 B.C., glass lias been used for making various kinds of objects. It was first made from a mixture of silica, line and an alkali such as soda or potash, and these remained the basic ingredients of glass until the development of lead glass in the seventeenth century. When heated , the mixture becomes soft and malleable and can be formed by various techniques into a vast array of shapes and sizes. The homogeneous mass thus formed by melting then cools to create glass, but in contrast to most materials formed in this way , glass lacks the crystalline structure normally associated with solids, and instead retains the random molecular structure of a liquid. In effect, as molten glass cools, it progressively stiffens until rigid, but does so without setting up a network of interlocking crystals customarily associated with that process. This is why glass shatters so easily when dealt a blow. Why glass deteriorates over time, especially when exposed to moisture, and why glassware must be slowly reheated and uniformly cooled after manufacture to release internal stresses Induced by uneven cooling. Another unusual feature of glass is the manner in which its viscosity changes as it turns from a cold substance into a hot, ductile liquid. Unlike metals that flow or freeze at specific temperatures glass progressively softens as the temperature rises, going through varying stages of malleability until it flows like a thick syrup. Each stage of malleability allows the glass to be manipulated into various forms, by different techniques, and if suddenly cooled the object retains the shape achieved at that point. Glass is thus amenable to a greater number of heat-forming techniques than most other materials. 10.Why does the author list the characteristics of glass in lines 1-5? To demonstrate how glass evolved

To show the versatility of glass

To explain glassmaking technology

To explain the purpose of each component of glass 11.The word durable in hue 3 is closest in meaning to lasting



Plain 1 2. What does the author imply about the raw materials used to make glass? They were the same for centuries.

They arc liquid

They are transparent

They are very heavy. 13.According to the passage, how is glass that has cooled and become rigid different from most other rigid substances? It has an interlocking crystal network.

It has an unusually low melting temperature.

It has varying physical properties.

It has a random molecular structure. 14.The word customarily in line 13 is closest in meaning to naturally



certainly 15.The words exposed to in line 19 are closest in meaning to hardened by

chilled with

subjected to

deprived of 16.What must be done to release the internal stresses that build up in glass products during manufacture? the glass must be reheated and evenly cooled.

the glass must be cooled quickly.

The glass must be kept moist until cooled.

The glass must be shaped to its desired form immediately 17.The word induced in line 21 is closest in meaning to joined



lost 18.The word it in line 22 refers to feature



viscosity 19.According to the passage. why can glass be more easily shaped into specific forms than can metals It resists breaking when heated

It has better optical properties.

It retains heat while its viscosity changes.

It gradually becomes softer as its temperature rises. Question 20-30 A great deal can be learned from the actual traces of ancient human locomotion: the footprints of early hominids. The best-known specimens are the remarkable tracks discovered at Lactoli, Tanzania, by Mary Leaky. These were left by small hominids around 3.6 to 3.75 million years ago, according to potassium argon dates of the volcanic rocks above and below this level. These hominids walked across a stretch of moist volcanic ash, which was subsequently turned to mud by rain, and which then set like concrete. Examination of he shape of the prints revealed to Mary Leakey that the feet had a raised arch, a rounded heel, a pronounced ball, and a big toe that pointed forward. These features, together with the weight-bearing pressure patterns, resembled the prints of upright-walking modern humans. The pressures exerted along the foot, together with the length of stride, which averaged 87 centimeters, indicated that the hominids had been walking slowly. In short, all the detectable morphological features implied that the feet that left the footprints were very little different from those of contemporary humans. A detailed study has been made of the prints using photogrammetry, a technique for obtaining measurements through photographs, which created a drawing showing all the curves and contours of the prints. The result emphasized that there were at least seven points of similarity with modern bipedal prints, such as the depth of the heel impression, and the deep imprint of the big toe. M Day and E. Wickens also took stereophotographs of the Lactoli prints and compared them with modern prints make by men and women in similar soil conditions. Once again, the results furnished possible evidence of bipedalism. Footprints thus provide us not merely with rare impressions of the soft tissue of early hominids, but also with evidence of upright waling that in many ways is clearer than can be obtained from the analysis of bones. The study of fossil footprints is not restricted to examples from such remote periods. Hundreds of prints are known, for example, in French caves dating from the end of the last ices age, approximately 10,000 years ago. Research by Leon Pales, using detailed silicon resin molds of footprints mostly made by bare feet, has provided information about this period. 20.What does the passage mainly discuss? The analysis of footprint fossils

Accurate dating of hominid remains

the career of Mary Leakey

Behavioral patterns of early humans 21.The word remarkable in line 2 is closest in meaning to extraordinary



orderly 22.The age of the Laetoli footprints was estimated by testing the fossilized bones of the hominids

studying the shape of the footprints

analyzing nearly rock layers

comparison with footprints from other locations 23.It can be inferred that the footprints in volcanic ash at Laetoli were well preserved because they were buried by a second volcanic eruption

the ash contained potassium anti argon

the ash was still warm from the volcanic cruptions

suitable conditions caused the ash 10 harden 24.Which or the following is NOT mentioned as a characteristic of the feet in Mary Leakey s fossil find? The shape or the heel

The number of toes

A raised arch

A pronounced ball 25.The word exerted in line 11 is closest in meaning to influenced



lessened 26.The figure of 87 centimeters mentioned in line 1 2 refers to the size of the objects carried by the hominids

steps taken by the hominids

hominids bodies

hominids feet 27.Why does the author mention the heel impression in line 19? To emphasize the size of the hominids foot

To speculate on a possible injury the hominid had suffered

To give an example of similarity to modern human footprints

To indicate the weight of early hominids 28.The word restricted in line 26 is closest in meaning to limited



succeeded 29.What can be inferred about the footprints found in French caves mentioned in the last paragraph? They show more detail than the Laetoli prints.

They are of more recent origin than the Laetoli prints.

They are not as informative as the Laetoli prints.

They are more difficult to study than the Laetoli prints 30.Which of the following terms is defined in the passage? hominids



silicon resin molds Questions 31-40 The livelihood of each species in the vast and intricate assemblage of living things depends on the existences of other organisms. This interdependence is sometimes subtle, sometimes obvious. Perhaps the most straight forward dependence of one species on another occurs with parasites, organisms that live on or in other living things and derive nutrients directly from them. The parasitic way of life is widespread. A multitude of microorganisms and an army of invertebrates or creatures lacking a spinal columnmake their livings directly at the expense of other creatures. In the face of this onslaught, living things have evolved a variety of defense mechanisms for protecting their bodies from invasion by other organisms. Certain fungi and even some kinds of bacteria secrete substances known as antibiotics into their external environment. These substances are capable of killing or inhibiting the growth of various kinds of bacteria that also occupy the area, thereby eliminating or reducing the competition for nutrients. The same principle is used in defense against invaders in other groups of organisms. For example, when attacked by disease-causing fungi or bacteria, many kinds of plants produce chemicals that help to ward off the invaders. Members of the animal kingdom have developed a variety of defense mechanisms for dealing with parasites. Although these mechanisms vary considerably, all major groups of animals are capable of detecting and reacting to the presence of foreign cells. In fact, throughout the animal kingdom, from sponges to certain types of worms, shellfish, and all vertebrates , there is evidence that transplants of cells or fragments of tissues into an animal are accepted only if they come from genetically compatible or closely related individuals. The ability to distinguish between self and nonself, while present in all animals, is most efficient among vertebrates, which have developed an immune system as their defense mechanism. The immune system recognizes and takes action against foreign invaders and transplanted tissues that are treated as foreign cells. 31.What does the passage mainly discuss? how parasites reproduce

how organisms react to invaders

how antibiotics work to cure disease

how the immune systems of vertebrates developed 32.The word intricate iii line 1 is closest in meaning to difficult



complex 33.The expression an army in line 6 is closest in meaning to an illness

an attack

a large number

a distinct type 34.The expression an army in line 6 is closest in meaning to an illness

an attack

a large number

a distinct type 35.According to the passage, some organisms produce antibiotics in order to prevent disease in humans

aid digestion

fight off other organisms

create new types of nutrients 35.The word vary in line 19 is closest in meaning to differ



contribute 36.The word they in line 23 refers to sponges, worms and shellfish



transplants 37.According to the passage, a transplant of tissue between genetically incompatible organisms will result in the transplanted tissue becoming a parasite

being treated as an invader

altering its genetic makeup

developing a new immune system 38. According to the passage, the ability to distinguish between self and nonself enables vertebrates to accept transplanted cells

detect and react to invasion

weaken their immune system

get rid of antibiotics 39.All of the following ate defined in the passage EXCEPT parasites



vertebrates 40.The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses how the immune system in vertebrates fights off foreign cells

different types of bacteria and lung

how vertebrates and invertebrates differ

examples of different groups of organisms Question 41-50 The development of jazz can be seen as part of the larger continuum of American popular music, especially dance music. In the twenties, jazz became the hottest new thing in dance music, much as ragtime had at the turn of the century, and as would rhythm and blues in the fifties, rock in the fifties, and disco in the seventies. But two characteristics distinguish jazz from other dance music. The first is improvisation, the changing of a musical phrase according to the player s inspiration. Like all artists, jazz musicians strive for an individual style, and the improvise or paraphrased is a jazz musician s main opportunity to display his or her individuality. In early jazz, musicians often improvised melodies collectively, thus creating a kind of polyphony. There was little soloing as such, although some New Orleans players, particularly cornet player Buddy Bolden, achieved local fame for their ability to improvise a solo. Later the idea of the chorus-long or multichorus solo took hold. Louis Armstrong s instrumental brilliance, demonstrated through extended solos, was a major influence in this development. Even in the early twenties, however, some jazz bands had featured soloists. Similarly, show orchestras and carnival bands often included one or two such get-off musicians. Unimproved, completely structured jazz does exist, but the ability of the best jazz musicians to create music of great cohesion and beauty during performance has been a hallmark of the music and its major source of inspiration and change. The second distinguishing characteristic of jazz is a rhythmic drive that was initially called hot and later swing. In playing hot , a musician consciously departs from strict meter to create a relaxed sense of phrasing that also emphasizes the underlying rhythms. Not all jazz is hot, however, many early bands played unadorned published arrangements of popular songs. Still, the proclivity to play hot distinguished the jazz musician from other instrumentalists. 41.The passage answers which of the following questions? which early jazz musicians most Influenced rhythm and blues music?

What are the differences between jazz and other forms of music?

Why Is dancing closely related to popular music in the United States?

What Instruments comprised a typical jazz band of the 1920 s? 42.Which of the following preceded jazz as a popular music for dancing? Disco


Rhythm and blues

Ragtime 43.According to the passage, jazz musicians are able to demonstrate their individual artistry mainly by? creating musical variations while performing

preparing musical arrangements

reading music with great skill

being able to play all types of popular music 44.Which of the following was the function of get-off musicians ? Assist the other band members in packing up after a performance

Teach dance routines created for new music

Lead the band

Provide solo performances in a band or orchestra 45.The word cohesion in line 18 is closest in meaning to sorrow



vibration 46.The word initially in line 20 is closest in meaning to at first



in fact 47.The word consciously in line 21 is closest in meaning to carelessly



purposely 48.The word unadorned in line 24 is closest in meaning to lovely



inexpensive 49.Which of the following terms is defined in the passage? improvisation


cornet player

multichorus 50.The topic of the passage is developed primarily by means of dividing the discussion into two major areas

presenting contrasting points of view

providing biographies of famous musician

describing historical events in sequence
















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