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当前位置:查字典高考网>本科留学>雅思口语>2008年雅思口语新话题解析:An item of clothing

2008年雅思口语新话题解析:An item of clothing

来自:查字典高考网 2014-12-25

Describe an item of clothing that you wear on special occasions.

You should say:

what this clothing looks like ①

where you bought it ②

on what special occasions you wear it ③

and explain why you wear it on special occasions ④


OK, let me talk about the national costume of Japan: Kimono

① Kimono are T-shaped, straight-lined robes that fall to the ankle, with collars and wide, full-length sleeves.There are different types of kimono for different occasions and seasons, including those worn by men.

② Kimono can be found in many places in Japan but people have to pay through the nose as they cost an arm and a leg. A decent silk kimono will set you back the best part of a million yen.

③ Kimono are a much less common sight these days and are usually only seen worn by older people or on special occasions. A few older women and even fewer men still wear kimono on a daily basis. I wear kimono when I was in Japan most often at weddings, tea ceremonies, and other very special or very formal occasions.

④ Why wear Kimono? Its very rich---you experience a lot of culture and you get such a world of thoughts that go with it. Its not just the feeling that you get from wearing kimono, but the natsukashi (nostalgic). Also, its always fun to dress up, and you get different reactions from people. The long and the short, its fun, fashionable and infused with tradition. What better reasons could there be?

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