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来自:查字典高考网 2014-12-25

Describe an important invention (before the age of computers) that has influenced human society.***

You should say:

what the invention is

when and where it was invented

how it is used

and explain how this invention has influenced society. ***

***题目要求的是电脑时代之前的发明创造,因此考生需要注意描述对象的选择。描述这个发明创造的时候要涉及到这个发明创造是怎么用的,这也是我在课上提到的state how的问题,当然,并不是必须的。如果需要使用,要注意一些动词的准确性。

What the invention is

The phone booth. After the great invention of telephone by Bell, another American inventor Greg William invented the coin public telephone in 1889.

When and where it was invented

Inventor William Gray invented the phone booth after realizing the difficulty of placing a phone call from outside the home.

How it is used

A telephone booth is a small structure furnished with a payphone and designed for a telephone users convenience. The user of the booth pays for the call by depositing coins into a slot on the telephone or by using a telephone card.

and explain how this invention has influenced society.

More than a century has passed and now the telephone booth is seen almost everywhere. It has even become the art in some condition. However, with the rapid growth of the Internet the use of mobile telephone, the traditional telephone booth will probably fade out. And nowadays more and more cities are building the high-tech telephone booth that serves both as an ordinary phone and an information centre. Maybe we will only see the old ones in the museum show in the near future.

Part 3 Electrical Appliances

1. What kinds of electrical appliances are most used in the home besides the telephone and computer?

I would have to say washing machine, vacuum cleaner, rice cooker, coffee maker, electric kettle, air conditioner, etc. Those would be the ones I couldnt live without or I mean wouldnt want to do without.

2. What are some advantages and disadvantages of using electrical equipment?

Firstly, it saves our time but, one the other hand, people will become totally dependent on equipment and not to do things they could do themselves. Lastly, people could get electrocuted if using them carelessly, which happens every year.

3. Do you think we can now live without electrical appliances?

Well, its hard to say. Electricity has truly become the lifeblood of our society. Right now we cant live without electrical devices because we rely on them to make our life easier. Many of us have become addicted to what can be done with indoor plumbing, the Internet and cell phones. Actually, It is difficult but not impossible.

Modern Technology Human Progress

1. What changes have taken place in society as a result of the use of modern technology such as the television and the computer?

No doubt to say that modern technology has made our life easier and convenient. Invention of the tools like stapler, Hoover and ATM is the milestone of technology as well as human beings progress. Take the Internet for instance; people can communicate with friends all over the world now. Only by clicking, you will gain what you expect.

2. Do you think people rely too much on machines and modern technology nowadays?

Yes most people do. Most people like looking for the easy way to get certain things done like: cooking with microwave, weeding with lawn mower and so on. I think maybe we rely on conveniences too much that we should actually get away from it all and back to nature.

3. How do you think modern technology will change the way people work in the future?

It has already changed the way people work in every field and it will continue. For instance, my mom studied to be a graphic designer when she was in college. She did everything by hand 20 years ago. Now, her field grew with the use of Internet and new technology as shes drawing by computer, bidding work online, and submitting work online. In the future, more work can be done automatically, and all we need to do is just to press the button or to check the jobs if they are ready for collection.







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