来自:查字典高考网 2014-12-25
1. Ever since I went to school,
Ive had this idea of maybe one day opening my own business.
I mean working for others is easy and hard.
Its easy because you dont manage;
its hard because youre not free.
2. If I could open any business, I would probably open a small flower shop.
Nothing big, just a very sunny store front (门市房) with very big windows is enough.
3. And I would choose to open it in warm climate and in a modern city,
now that Im thinking in details, Guangzhou is a pretty good place.
Therere many kinds of flowers there,
and people have a strong awareness of flower culture.
4.In order to sustain the business, Im going to open it in the downtown.
Im still looking for a perfect name for it.
But one thing is for sure,
I will decorate my flower shop tastefully.
And the uniqueness of the environment will attract more customers.
And I will back it up with quality service. I think it will be a hit. (肯定很火)
5.The reason why I want to own a flower shop is because making money is only one side of business, friendship, human contact, helping others are also important reasons.
Besides, a flower shop is really suitable for a girl to run since its so romantic. I want to look at myself among flowers.
It will always help me stay in good mood.
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