来自:查字典高考网 2014-12-25
t follow / it doesnt mean / it wont be the case) that
8.The mainproblemwiththis argumentis that it is ignorant ofthe basicfact that
9.It would be possibleto thinkthat, but it would be absurdto claimthat
10.In all the discussion and debate over, one importantfact is generally overlooked .
1.Although the popular belief is that, a currentstudyindicatesthat
2.Common sense tells us that
3.The increasein mainlyresults from
4.The increasein is due tothe fact that
5.Many people would claim that
6.One may attributethe increaseto , but is not by itself an adequate explanation.
7.One of the reasons given for is that
8.What is also worth noticing is that
9.There are manycausesfor this dramaticgrowthin .. First, Second, Finally,
10.There is no evidence to suggest that
1.From what has been discussed above , we may safely drawthe conclusion that
2.All the evidencesupportsa unshakableconclusion that
3.It is high time that we placegreatemphasis on the improvementof
4.It is high time that we put an end to the deep-seatedsituationof
5.We must lookfor an immediate action , because the presentsituationof , if permittedto continue , will surelylead tothe endof
6.There is no easysolutionto the problem of , but might be useful .
7.No easy methodcan be at handto solvethe problem of , but the commonrecognition ofthe necessityof might be the first step towards change .
8.Following these methodsmay not guarantee the success in , but the pay-off will be worth the effort.
9.Obviously , if we ignorethe problem, there is every chance that
10.Unless there is a common realization of , it is very likelythat
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