来自:查字典高考网 2011-12-12
1、How would you describe yourself?
2、What do you remember about your childhood?
3、What do you usually do on weekends?
4、Do you think you have a democratic family?
Do your parents listen to you when a decision has to be made?
5、Do you feel the generation gap between you and your parents, or between your parents and yourgrandparents?
6、Have you ever given a birthday party? How do you and your friends celebrate your birthdays?
7、Do you chat on the Internet? Have you made any friends on-line?
8、Have you joined any clubs or associations organized by students themselves?
9、Are there any activities on campus which you dont think necessary?
10、Do you think college students mental health is an issue that is worth our attention?
11. Are there any women whom you admire very much?
12. (For a girl)Do you think you would be happy to be a housewife?
13、What do you know about the history of Nanjing / Shanghai / . . .
14、Are you happy to be an only child?
15、What do you think makes a good English teacher?
16、What do you think about the various examinations that you have taken here?
17、Did you ever buy something simply because it was fashionable?
18、What kind of clothes would you like to wear?
19、Where do you normally go to buy your clothes?
20、Nowadays some college students cohabit outside the campus. What is your opinion?
21、What do you think is the most serious social problem in China?
22、Do you think it is important for every college student to pass an English test, such as CET?
23、Do you think advertisers offer a useful/harmful service to the community?
24、Do you think sportsmanship is the most important thing for all sports events?
25、Is earning more money the only thing people are interested in today?
26、Is traveling on foot better than any other means of transport?
27、Is it a good idea to give money to beggars?
28、Should more Western festivals be observed by Chinese youth?
29、Is first impression important/or unimportant?
30、How to bridge the generation gap between young students and their parents?
31、 Are there any tourist attractions in or near your hometown?
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