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英语阅读理解 推理判断题解题技巧

来自:查字典高考网 2009-09-04

高考英语阅读理解 推理判断题解题技巧

英语阅读理解是个重点内容,分数比较高希望大家好好学习,天天高中学习网为大家介绍题型介绍 推理判断题的解题方法 考题探究等内容





1) The purpose in writing this text is to __________.

2) The author writes this passage to __________.

3) The author in this passage intends to __________.


1) It can be inferred from the passage that __________.

2) What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?

3) From the passage we can conclude that __________.


1)The passage is most likely to be taken from_________.

2)Where would this passage most probably appear?

3)The passage is most likely a part of_________.

是非判断题的设题方式:1.which of the following is (not)true or false ?

2.All of the following statements are wrong except _____

3.All of the following statements are right/true except _____.

4.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage /text?


Which of the following describes ones logic in doing sth ?

Which of the following shows the correct order of what happened to ?

Choose the right order of the following events in

二、推理判断题的解题方法 :



(2006江苏)The first reality TV show in the world was called Expedition Robinson and it was shown in Sweden in 1997. Half the population of the country watched the final event and a new kind of TV program was born. Two years later in Holland, the first series of Big Brother was filmed. Again, it was a great success and the final program was watched by 15 million people. Now more than 20 countries around the world have Big Brother or Expedition Robinson on their TV screens. The ordinary people who take part in the programs are known by millions of people

in their own countries and reality TV has become big, big business.

For the TV producers, reality TV is a dream come true because many of the programs cost nothing to make. At some point, the television viewers (观众) are asked to telephone the program to vote or to apply to take part in the show. It is the cost of these telephone calls that pays for the shows. One of the most popular shows is Pop Idol. In the show, a group of attractive young people are made into pop stars. TV viewers vote for their favorite person on the show. The winner makes a record and millions of copies of the record are sold. His or her pictures are published on the covers of magazines or on the front pages of newspapers, and then, they are quickly forgotten.

But not everyone is happy about reality TV. In Portugal two TV channels got into trouble because they showed too much of the personal lives of the people in the shows. In France, reality TV is called rubbish TV and the TV studios of Big Brother were attacked three times in one week. In Greece, Big Brother was described as against human rights and civilization.

It can be concluded from the passage that __________.

A. everyone is happy about reality TV

B. reality TV will do well in many countries

C. all the people in Europe are in favor of reality TV

D. reality TV will not be broadcast in any countries学海导航 :B 通读全文,本文主要讲的是reality TV,根据第一段的中间Now more than 20 countries around the world have Big Brother or Expedition Robinson on their TV screens,可知真人秀在20多个国家流行。故答案为B。该题也可以用排除法,AC两项很容易排除,可能有些学生会选D,其实every ,all,not 连用才表示部分否定,而any不是。D表示现实剧不会在任何一个国家播放,当然是不对的。


Are British people Europeans? This may seem a strange question to Africans and Asians,who tend to think of all white people as Europeans.But the British,when they are in Britain,do not regard themselves as Europeans.The Europeans,to them,are those rather excitable foreigners from the other side of the English Channel,who have never learnt how to speak English.Europe is known as the Continent,a place full of interest for British tourists,but also the source of almost a11 the wars in which Britain has ever been involved.Thus although geographically speaking Britain is a part of Europe,the fact that it is a separate island has made its people feel very,very insular (孤立的).They feel,and in many ways are,different from the rest of Europe,and they sometimes annoy continental nations by failing to support them,or even to understand them,in time of need.

Where did British people come from? This is an extraordinary interesting question,since they are a mixture of many different races,and all these races invaded (侵略) Britain at different times from Europe.Nobody knows very much about Britain before the Romans came during the first century B.C., but there had been at least three invasions before that.The first of these was by a dark-haired Mediterranean race called the Iberians.Theother two were by Celtic tribes:first the Gaels,whose descendants are the modern Scots and Irish,some of whom still speak the Gaelic language;and second the Britons,who gave their name to the whole island of Britain.These were the people whom the Romans conquered.The Romans gave the Britons a good deal of their civilization,but they never settled in Britain in very large numbers,so the British race survived until the overthrow of the Roman Empire by the barbarians,i.e.the numerous Germanic tribes which overran the whole of Western Europe.

57.It can be known from the passage that .

A.most people think white people are Europeans

B.there are many Africans and Asians living in Europe

C.white men are Europeans in the eyes of Africans and Asians

D.the British people think of themselves as Europeans

【点津】 C 该题主要考查对第一段第二句This may seem a strange question to Africans and Asians,who tend to think of all white people as Europeans说明在非洲人和亚洲人都认为所有的白人都是欧洲人。


1 .确定作者的观点及写作理由。


3 .注意词的词典义和联想义,将材料中已知的事实与材料中没有表达的概念联系在一起。

4 .深入理解已知的事实的潜在的信息。

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