来自:查字典高考网 2016-09-23
1. 从以上两种做法中选择一种;
2. 以具体事例阐述你选择的理由。
When I Have a Different Opinion
When I Have a Different Opinion
We may have different opinions in organizing class activities. When I have a different opinion, I may choose to give it up and respect the opinions of the majority.
The main reason for my choice is that being brought up in a culture emphasizing collectivism, I tend to sacrifice my own interest for the group benefit. Once we were left to decide whether to have a picnic in a park or go to a museum. I would love to go to a museum, but most of my classmates wanted to go for a picnic. Without a hesitation, I decided to follow them and we did have lots of fun that day. Sometimes giving up a little can mean getting more.
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